Friday, May 22, 2015

Think It Over (and Over)

Some people are courageous enough to immediately act upon whatever is on their mind while some are just not. Like myself. I think and think and think about things, for years. I evaluate, asses, analyze. Really think things over, and through and eventually I think myself out of doing anything. I end up convinced that I should think a little more before I move forward with a decision. Every time, I start to think things through, I make sure to bring along a dear friend to my heart: hope. One with no courage harbors an endless well of hope within.

If you're not crazy - a word often used to replace fearless by those who wish to undermine state of being fearless; if you cannot see what the crazy sees, you're part of an anonymous collective, silently adding up to create "no one".

You are nobody.

But in order to survive in nobody's world, to keep breathing, take a shower, I don't know, buy milk from the supermarket, you can't suddenly break your commitment to dry nothingness and take action to become somebody.

Can you?


Bazilari cesaretli oluyor icinden en cok geceni dusunmeden yapacak kadar. Bazilari da, bendeniz gibi mesela, dusunuyor dusunuyor dusunuyor yillarca. Eviriyor ceviriyor kafasinda; oldu olmadi derken begenmiyor bastan dusunmeye karar veriyor. Her sil bastan oturup yeniden dusunmeye basladigindaysa tek bir dostu oluyor yaninda, umut. Umuttan besleniyor cesareti olmayan kimse.

Deli degilseniz eger, hic kimsenin goremedigini gorebilenlerden degilseniz, siz hickimseyi olusturanlardan birisiniz.

Yani bir hicsiniz.

Ama eger hiclerin dunyasinda nefes almaya, dusa girmeye, ne bileyim bakkaldan sut, yogurt bir tane de ekmek almaya devam etmek icin aniden hicleri birakip biri haline gelemezsiniz.

Gelebilir misiniz?

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